How You Can Leverage The Proven Power Of Our YouTube Ads Playbook To Increase Traffic, Generate Higher Quality Leads & Convert Them Into Paying Customers

This playbook will teach you how to master YouTube advertising, from video creation to analytics, by showing you how to:

  • Create unskippable and profitable YouTube ads

  • Connect with your exact audience at the right time

  • Convert viewers into paying customers

These Are Brands We’ve Helped Grow With YouTube Ads:

Advertising on YouTube means advertising on America’s most popular online platform (take that, Facebook).

73% of adults in the U.S. use YouTube, which, yes, is more than the 69% that use Facebook. Shocked?

In any given quarter Facebook advertisers will spend more than YouTube advertisers will spend in an ENTIRE YEAR….That means that you have a much bigger advantage when it comes to advertising on YouTube than on Facebook — more eyeballs and less marketers competing for those eyeballs. (Plus no overzealous Facebook “content moderators” to take down your perfectly good ad)

Not to mention each visit to YouTube involves a more engaged audience without the mindless scrolling you see on other platforms.

That’s why, with the help of our strategies and playbooks, we’ve seen our clients exponentially grow their businesses and make millions using YouTube ads.

With your audience already hanging out there and the solid opportunity to reach and convert them — can you really afford not to be on YouTube?

What Other Business Owners Are Saying About Us

Mike Quist: Stone Coat Countertops

“They have saved us hundreds of
thousands of dollars!”

Billy Gene: Billy Gene Is Marketing

“We spent $25k on YouTube in the first month and turned it into $100k+.”

Dr. Angela Lauria: The Author Incubator

“We have twice the number of clients now than we did before we started working with them and we’re spending half as much on advertising.”

Dan Martell: Saas Academy

“They continue to blow my mind with their advanced strategies for targeting and audience assessment and really building my email list in a very profitable way.”

Mariah Coz:

“They’ve been able to run very profitable ads for me and my business.”

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, Fit Father Project

Video Power have helped us grow our channel by over 400,000 subscribers… we’ve also generated over 87,000 new leads to our email list and that’s translated to literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in new program sales for us.”

Why should you learn YouTube Ads from the Video Power Marketing team?

Learn from a team with:

Over 10 years of experience with YouTube Ads

Managing more than $96M dollars in spend

Having launched over 7000 campaigns

For more than 100 different brands

All of this experience has helped us create a proven framework and process for launching profitable YouTube Ads.

We’re sharing our playbooks with you so you can start transforming your business with YouTube right now.

Video Ads Playbook: What is it?

What You Will Learn From the Course

The Playbooks For Winning With YouTube Ads


YouTube Ad Strategy Playbook

Before you spend a dime on ads or invest time on creating the video, it’s important to get clear on your strategy.  Do you have clear and achievable goals ? Which KPI’s do you need to track in order to hit your goals? Who exactly is your audience and what motivates them to take action? What value can you provide to your audience that benefits them AND you so you both win.  Having a solid strategy provides clarity and confidence for you to build out the rest of your campaign.


Create the Right Video Ad Playbook

80% of the success of your campaign depends on your video.  How can you create a video that captures people’s attention, builds trust and inspires viewers to take action?  In this playbook we cover everything you need to know to create a video ad that works. We provide you with our top 10 performing YouTube Ads with a breakdown of why they work. You’ll be able to review and model these ads and apply them to your business.  After going through this module, you’ll be able to write AND create a video ad that will convert.


YouTube Ads Account Setup & Tracking Playbook

In this module, we dive into how to properly set up your Google Ad account and conversion actions so you can track everything from view to click to lead to booked call to purchase.  No more guesswork.


How To Target Your Audience Playbook

YouTube Ads allow you to hypertarget your video so your exact audience will see it at the right time.  In this module, we break down how you can reach your audience at the right time AND give you the audiences you should target first.  You’ll learn how to create cold and warm audiences inside your ad account.


How To Structure and Launch Your Campaigns Playbook

When you know how to structure your YouTube Campaign properly in Google Ads, you can see exactly what’s working and not working.  We dive into how to set your ad budget, structure your campaign and how to build it out and launch your campaigns inside Google ads.


How to Test, Optimize and Scale Your Campaigns Playbook

This playbook is where creativity meets analytics.  How do you know if your campaign is performing well?  If your campaign isn’t working, which levers do you need to pull in order to hit your KPI’s? When you finally have a campaign that’s working, how do you scale it up without sacrificing your return? In this module, we break down our 90 Day optimization plan so you’ll be able to improve the performance of your YouTube Ads AND Scale them up so your company can grow.


Bonus: Other Ad Campaigns To Setup to Maximize Ad Spend & Performance

YouTube In-Stream ads compliment other types of campaigns very nicely. We share how to create a branded search campaign to maximize the interest your YouTube Ads will create. We also break down how to launch a YouTube Ad In-Feed campaign that will help you increase views and subscribers to your YouTube Channel.

Ryan Deiss, Founder and

CEO of

“The way that I found Jake is I was

actually doing research on this

particular subject and I saw his ad. I said, ‘Dang, that’s a good ad. This guy knows what he’s doing.’ So I bought his products that he had at the time, signed up for his list, and finally emailed him and said, ‘Man, we gotta get you to come out and talk about YouTube advertising cause it’s an under discussed subject and you know what you are doing.’ Jake Larsen is a YouTube ambassador. He also does his own consulting and training when it comes to this particular subject so you guys could not be in better hands.”

Peter Szabo, Agency Owner

“I just got off the phone with Jake Larsen and I’m completely shocked. In an hour he delivered what hours of studying and thousands of dollars spent on YouTube Ads courses couldn’t. Talk to him for 5 minutes and you’ll see he’s got his shit together and he’s a true master of his craft. Couldn’t recommend Jake highly enough. Thanks brother! Really one of the best consulting calls I’ve had – if not the best one.“

John Lee Dumas,

Host of Entrepreneur on Fire

“John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs On Fire here. When you have a flagship community such as Podcasters’ Paradise, the one major issue is getting the word out, and getting in front of not just enough people, but the RIGHT people. Working with Jake at Video Power Marketing… I was able to get in front of the RIGHT people, and the conversions were incredible. Jake and his team have their systems down pat, from step one to conversions, and it was a true pleasure working with them! IGNITE!“

Come To The YouTube Ads Incubator

Apply Now To Learn How To Grow From Six Figure Years to Six Figure Months Using The Unlimited Scaling Potential Of YouTube Ads

Attend The LIVE Event On Your Select Dates

We will send you follow ups, reminders, and pre-trainings before the even start date. So you can get started even before you get there! 

At the event you will…

Create And Film Your High Converting YouTube Ad:

• Discover how to get inside the mind and heart of your audience.
• Write Video Ad Scripts that capture attention, build trust, and inspire action.

• Walk away with 3 video ads (VSL Style).

• ​Setup your tracking so you know exactly what’s working.

• ​Build out audiences & campaigns inside of your Google Ads Account.

• Launch your campaigns.

Get Direct Feedback

This event is not like your average conference where you passively consume information. It’s limited to 15 people so we can ensure you have time with our team as you actively work on your actual ads in real time. Every step of the way is guided by experts in the field who understand exactly what it takes to make an incredible YouTube ad.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will YouTube ads work for me?

If you’ve got a proven offer and funnel AND are willing to follow the steps that we’ve outlined in our playbooks then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to crush it with YouTube ads. We’ve tested these strategies across EVERY industry. If you don’t have a proven funnel, ads are a great way to get qualified people in your funnel quickly so you can see performance.

What type of monthly budget do I need in order to get started?

We recommend starting with a minimum monthly budget of $1,000. If you’re not in a position to spend at least $1,000 per month, then we recommend focusing on improving your funnel, offer, and organic efforts first.

How long will it take for me to see results?

This will obviously vary for everyone but you should plan on investing between 30 – 90 days. Some students may see good results within the first 30 days and for others it may take longer. Again, if you’ve got a proven offer and funnel then there’s no reason why you wouldn’t see positive results right away.

What if I get stuck or have other questions?

That’s exactly what our private student facebook group is for. You can get your questions answered either by the Video Power Marketing team and/or by other fellow students who are having similar experiences with YouTube ads.

Is this for beginners or advanced students?

We designed this course for Intermediate students. Ideally, we’d like for you to have some online advertising experience under your belt. We’ve done our best to simplify the concepts but we understand the Google Ads platform is a little more complicated than others.

Do I have to be on camera?

We do recommend making video ads with a “Brand Character” (someone talking to the camera). This could be yourself, a customer, and influencer, or a spokesperson for your brand. From our experience, videos with people talking to camera tend to outperform videos that don’t include a person talking to camera.

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